My Best Tips and Tricks as a Disney Expert #8

My Best Tips and Tricks as a Disney Expert #8

Tip #8

The biggest way to save on a Disney World trip is how, where and what you eat!

The simplest way to do this is to avoid all of the tourist traps for food… like food in the parks and the hundreds of restaurants in the area, and to eat like the locals do!

I’m not saying don’t have a good time on your vacation, just be smart about it, and be conscious of the choices that you make. Splash Mountain feels exactly the same no matter where you ate for breakfast!

If you like to cook, buy your own groceries and prepare food in your own kitchen. But how do you do this in a hotel room?  You can’t really (a bar fridge and a microwave really won’t cut it), so rent a vacation rental home for the same price as a good hotel room, providing you with a complete and well-equipped full-size kitchen, plus you’ll enjoy all of the other exceptional benefits that a vacation home rental brings.

The money you save on food alone can be enough to cover the cost of renting a vacation home!

When we are in Florida, we buy most of our groceries and other supplies at a WalMart Super Center or Aldi. We also buy better quality groceries at the nearby Publix store, and sometimes we make a trip to Costco.  (The Costco warehouse is quite a drive away, so I don’t recommend this for our guests, unless they are staying for a longer term and can lose a day to shopping for groceries and supplies.)

To learn how to save money on food expenses on an Orlando trip, check the extensive article here!

My Background: Husband, Father, Grandfather – Disney Theme Park ‘Super’ Fan – Roughly 40 trips to Central Florida and Walt Disney World since 1997. Designer/builder with specific knowledge of theme park and attraction design, and history of Disney theme parks. Current Disney World Annual Passholder.  My son worked as a Cast Member in Epcot for two years. Disney shareholder. Owner-Operator of three successful vacation rentals located two miles south of Disney World Resort Property since 2009, hosting over 600 couples and families visiting Florida from USA, Canada, Europe, Middle-East & South America. As part of our service I provide advice, trip planning and suggestions for our guests all the time.

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BOV Host

About the author:Rob Peters is the Site Administrator, Blogger and Chief-Touble-Maker on When not online, he is managing his terrific vacation rental properties in Florida, or admiring his three adult kids and loving his wife Donna.