Christmas Decorating for your Villa!
Occasionally guests who will be staying over the Christmas season ask us about seasonal decorating. This is not something that we have ‘traditionally’ done at our vacation rental properties. Now before you declare us the ‘Grinch’ who stole Christmas, please understand two things:
- We LOVE Christmas Decorations!
- We go CRAZY decorating our own home for Christmas!
This means that unfortunately we are never in Florida to decorate our properties in time for the Christmas season!
With families of all different cultural and religious backgrounds travelling to stay in our properties during the Holiday season, not all of them want Christmas decorating in their villa. For this reason we have chosen to make Christmas decorations an Optional item available to our guests.
Do you know what is just as bad as no Christmas decorating if you love Christmas like we do? BAD Christmas decorating! It just ends up looking so sad a lot of the time. Unfortunately a lot of the Christmas decorating we have seen in villas just ends up looking like a Charlie Brown Christmas (You know… before the happy ending!) We didn’t want to inflict that on our guests.
So we were really pleased when one of our suppliers started offering to supply and decorate a Christmas Tree for our guests which they simply did with care and enthusiasm! And the results were terrific!
Just take a look at the photo below from Breezy Oak Villa for Christmas 2015.
If you would like to have that kind of Christmas Cheer gracing your villa for this Holiday Season, contact us to inquire about the flat rate to enjoy a Christmas Tree in the villa for your Holiday Season trip!